HeartFelt Energies

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Holistic and Spiritual Services from Jeannie Sullivan

I work with people who want to improve their physical and emotional health, who are searching for balance in their lives and would like to strengthen the connection between their body, minds, and spirit. What separates my services from other holistic healers is that I use a unique combination of Reiki and Primus Activation Healing Technique, to help people feel better about themselves, and to help them heal their bodies. Because of this, clients receive an effective energy session that feels as though they have had a massage for their soul, which leaves them calm, balanced, and centered.

While providing psychic intuitive readings, I not only use tarot cards to receive answers from Spirit but also use carefully crafted mediumship skills to provide you accurate and heartfelt messages from not only your loved ones, but animals, angels, and spirit guides. My readings are rich in information and foresight.

Offering Live Readings Saturday and Sunday! (Zoom info below)

Saturday | 9am - noon
Sunday | 9am - 2pm

Gift Certificates for sale!


Website heartfeltenergies.com
Phone (207) 831-6523

Live Zoom Info

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